In 2016-17 UniSci participated in the Nordplus Horizontal project „BaltNord network for science communication“ that aimed at diversification and development of science communication events in Baltic and Nordic region through best practice and positive partners' experience.
The project started with a kick-off meeting on 29 September 2016 at the AHHAA science centre in Tartu, Estonia. The four project partners were Daugavpils University (DU), Latvia (coordinating institution), Science Centre AHHAA Foundation (AHHAA), Estonia, Siaulai University (SU), Lithuania and University of Iceland (UI), Iceland. The project consisted of five parts:
- First science communication training course in Daugavpils, Latvia for Latvian and Lithuanian audiences, on 8 - 9 November 2016. The target audience: teachers, scientists, researchers, academic staff, students, municipality specialists etc.
- First international workshop (experience exchange seminar) in Siauliai, Lithuania for project partner representatives on 6 - 7 December 2016.
- Second science communication training course in Reykjavík, Iceland for Icelandic audience on 20 March 2017, for Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian audiences on 21 March 2017.
- Second international workshop (experience exchange seminaar) in Reykjavík, Iceland on 22 - 23 March 2017.
- Researchers' competition in Daugavpils, Latvian for Latvian and Lithuanian audiences in May 2017 (the exact date will be announced later).
For more detailed information please contact project coordinator in your country.
- Viktorija Cirse (Daugavpils University, Latvia)
- Helin Haaga (AHHAA Science Centre, Estonia)
- Guðrún Bachmann (University of Iceland, Iceland)
- Ingrida Sauliene (Sauliai University, Lithuania)